A safe, drug-free, non-invasive method available for treatment of neuromusculoskeletal complaints. Chiropractic focuses on the self-regulating and self-healing functions that are controlled by your brain, spinal cord and nerves. When the nervous system is impaired through illness, injury or stress it can cause tissues and organs throughout the body to function poorly. This degenerative chain reaction is referred to by chiropractors as the subluxation complex. Overall, chiropractors correct and reduce subluxations to allow your body to function optimally.
Migraines or headaches, neck pain, back problems, spinal disorders, arthritis, sinus problems, wrist, hand, or finger numbness & pain, menstruation problems, stomach troubles, high blood pressure, diabetes, knee pain, poor circulation in legs, scatica and many more.
Precisely directed force to a joint that is "locked up" or not moving properly. Restoring normal motion to joints can allow bones to gradually return to a more proper position. There are many different kinds of adjustment techniques used that can range from using the hands or instrument. Chiropractic doctors are trained to practice and perform hundreds to thousands of adjustments before delivering them to a patient, so you can be assured that adjustments are safe, even for pregnant women. With that in mind, it is not recommended that you adjust yourself or others as you could be causing real injury.
Although chiropractic has an excellent safety record, no health treatment is completely free of potential adverse effects. Albeit, the risk associated with chiropractic are very small.
Each patient is unique and healing takes time. Just like you wouldn't expect just one of the twenty pills of any prescription to produce a cure, you shouldn't expect only one adjustment to do that either. Long standing or neglected problems may require on-going care to restore and maintain good spinal health. Your chiropractor can help you to set up a regular individual program of care and periodic chiropractic checkups to get the best outcome.
Yes, because the force and energy exerted on the vehicle also went through the occupants bodies, causing bio-mechanical changes within the body. Since the body is not able to dissipate all the forces that happened during the collision, some of them are absorbed in the joints. Therefore, injuries still may have occurred on the joints without your knowledge.
Pinched nerve is associated with pain, numbness, burning or a "pins and needles" sensation. It is usually a continuous pain that is properly diagnosed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Electromyography Testing (EMG), or a nerve conduction study.
Most often, pain comes from nerve tissues irritated by the rubbing, stretching or scraping of malfunctioning spinal joints. Such malfunctions can be caused by many everyday events including physical trauma or emotional stress. Chemical toxins can also affect the delicate tissues of the spinal cord and nerve roots.
Consult with your chiropractor to determine the cause of your pain and extent of your problem.
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